Crit Day
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Rube Goldberg was an American cartoonist best known for his cartoons depicting machines he designed to complete simple tasks in overly complicated and humorous ways. His cartoons have inspired millions of projects.
Your final assignment is to create a sculpture inspired by Rube Goldberg that completes a simple task in at least 5 complicated steps. The task and materials you use are up to you. No fire.
April 24 Bring detailed sketches and all materials to class for a work day.
May 1 Work in class.
May 8 Final critique will be a demonstration of your working project. The classroom will be open during lunch for you to set up.
This chain reaction sculpture/video is called The Way Things Go and was made by Swiss artists Fischli and Weiss.
More Rube Goldberg devices
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Material Transformation due 4/18
In class you will be given a large piece of printed plastic. The material has certain properties: it is flat, brittle, translucent, 2-d, consumer-oriented, thin, and slick. You can probably think of other properties this material has. Make a non objective sculpture using all of the material. Bend it, fold it, cut it, tear it, curl it, shred it, weave it; manipulate the material so that your sculpture has characteristics that the original material did not. Your sculpture might even be the opposite of the original material, this is the transformation. You may use tape, glue, string and wire. Your sculpture can be a floor piece or a hanging piece. Everyone is getting the same material, make your piece look different.
There is no class on April 11, so you will have to work on this at home. You will be evaluated on the amount of time you spend on the project, thoughtfulness and creativity, and your transformation of the material.
Artists who transform materials: Bride Fight by E.V. Day
\ The Privet by John Chamberlain 1997 Deacon
Ex Boyfriend's Clothing by Shinique Smith *Shinique Smith's work is currently on view at the Rubell Family Collection in Miami. Phoebe Washburn