For this project you will work exclusively with materials you collect from nature. You will have to collect AT LEAST 100 of the same type of item for this project and figure out how to join those items together to make an interesting object. Material suggestions: Palm fronds, driftwood, long grasses, tree pods, anything interesting that you can access a lot of. Try weaving, braiding, sewing, balancing, tying, bending or whatever technique you come up with to make an object out of the separate materials. At home and during the in-class work day you will try different techniques of arranging or joining your objects together to make one unified form. SIZE The sculpture must be 3 feet long in at least one dimension.
No glue, wire, string, etc. Only use natural materials that you collect.
Schedule: Dec. 7 We will watch the movie Rivers and Tides, about Andy Goldsworthy and his sculptures, in class. HOMEWORK Gather and experiment with your materials (100 of the same natural material) Dec. 14 STUDIO day, come prepared with all of your materials, sketches, and experiments you've already done. Dec. 21 Critique
You will build a bridge using only foam core and white glue. Your bridge must span an 18" gap, be at least 8" tall and and 8" wide, and there must be a place where we can stack bags of clay that are 6" wide. Your goal is to build a bridge that can bear as much weight as possible. Consider strength and beauty when you design your bridge. Your projects will be strength tested during the critique, and the student whose bridge can hold the most weight will win a prize.
Nov. 9: You will be given a small sheet of foam core in class. For homework, do an experiment to see what kind of strong structures you can make. DRAW bridge plans that you think would be strong. Bring your experiments and drawings to class on the 16th. Nov. 16: Come to class with white glue and a sharp knife & your drawings and experiments. This will be a studio day. Nov. 30: Critique of bridge projects in class.
Here is an example from last year so you can see the setup during critique. The pieces of wood screwed to the side of the table extend down 1'.
Your next project will be to construct a bridge that can hold as much weight as possible. We will have a contest during the crit to determine the winner. For your November 16th homework, research interesting bridge designs. Find out why bridges don't fall down. How many types of bridges are there, and what kinds are strongest? You will be given a small piece of foam core to take home. Make a model of a bridge spanning 6-8 inches using only the foam core and white glue, bring it to class on the 16th. Also bring sketches and printouts to class to use as a reference for your next sculpture. Bring scissors, Xactos, etc.
Your constructions will be built out of foam core and white glue, which you'll be given in class on the 2nd.