Course Syllabus

 Art 3-D Comprehensive   
Fall 2018/Section 1/Friday/1:10pm - 3:45pm -Room 5102
Instructors: Hans Evers & Lauren Shapiro

Course Overview and Objective
This course is designed to introduce you to three-dimensional thinking, and a wide range of basic sculpture techniques. You will learn how to develop ideas and speak critically about your sculpture and that of your classmates, through critique and familiarization with other contemporary sculptors.  

Hans Evers and Lauren Shapiro
Email Mr. Evers:
Email Ms. Shapiro:
Class Blog:
Remind Sign up:

Required Materials
·                Sketchbook
·                Closed-toe shoes (no sandals or flip-flops)
·                Hair-ties for long hair
·                Large reusable bags (Ikea, Publix, Costco, target, etc) for transporting materials

Expectations and Grading Policy
A = Excellent work, mastered technical skills and conceptual ideas.
B = Above average, skillful use of materials combined with a good concept.
C = Average, competent execution of craftsmanship and ideas with no outstanding qualities.
D = Below average, poor execution of ideas with little or no attention to detail.
F = Work is deficient in all areas.

The highest grade for assignments completed one class period late is a B. Assignments completed two class periods late will receive an F.
If work is late because of excused absences the MDCPS policy on make-up work will apply. Special circumstances should be discussed with the teacher.

Assignments may be improved up to one week after critique. The new (and final) grade will be averaged between the new and the original grade.
<Remember that a “B” average is required in all New World art classes!
Rubrics will be specified for each assignment in advance. Typically the rubrics consist of the following 5 categories:
1                Meets assignments criteria (materials, size, process etc.)
2                Completion/resolution.
3               Craftsmanship
4                Successfully combines assignment goal(s) with personal concept/ambition.
5                Ambition and risk taking.

Scores for each category range from a 5, 4, 3, 2, to 1 (5 high & 1 low). Final grade is based on total combined score.
5= outstanding, 4= Good, 3= needs more, 2 = needs lots more, 1= hardly did/didn’t do.
25= A++, 24=A+ 23=A, 22=A-, 21=B+, 20=B, 15=C, 10=D, 5=F.

Students are expected to: attend class as scheduled; arrive at class on time; and demonstrate appropriate behavior and a readiness to learn. Students are responsible for catching up and getting any assignments, notes or readings missed because of absence.
·                Class Attendance is mandatory. You are expected to be on time, and present for the entire class. Critiques are viewed as exam days! 
                  You will be notified of exam days when projects are assigned. 
·                Tardiness – A student is considered tardy if he/she is not present at the moment the school bell rings for the class assigned. 
·                Early Sign-outs - No student shall be released within the final 30 minutes of the school day unless authorized by the school principal or              principal’s designee, e.g., emergency, sickness. 

General class expectations:
Be kind, be fair, be aware, and be INVOLVED!
Use good manners always.
Leave the classroom better than you found it.
Follow posted class guidelines
Uphold all Miami Dade County and New World school rules and expectations
Students are expected to digitally document all their completed assignments and save all documented works.

You are expected to be an active participant in this class and take ownership of your work and development as an artist. The function of critiques is not only to receive feedback on your work but to build essential skills of presentation and communication. 
Projects must be ready for peer review BEFORE class or critique begins. Craftsmanship and presentation greatly affect your grade.

Maintain a sketchbook that contains all of your research, sketches, ideas and inspirations. Document all your brainstorming, questions, etc. Bring this journal to every class. This will serve as documentation of your thought process, and will be reviewed by the instructors.

Class and Shop Rules
Cell phones and other electronic devices are limited to PRODUCTIVE uses. Productive uses include, researching artists and materials, and taking notes. Internet usage must be limited to class-related research (no checking email, social networking sites, etc). For reasons of safety no listening to music and no headphones are allowed at any time. Continued use, after a warning, will result in disciplinary action. 
·                Food and Drink are not allowed in the wood shop. 
·                No cellphone, ipads, ipods and/or headphones can be used in class.
·                Spray paint, resin and mount adhesives must be used in the loading dock- with the door open!
·                All materials and projects will be stored on 9th grade shelves. Anything left out will be discarded. 
·                Studio time ends promptly at 3:30pm. The final 15 mins. of class will be used for clean up. 

Additional Shop Access
Our classroom consists of two rooms- the wood shop and plaster area. Students may do work outside of class-time in the plaster room, as long as there is no class in session or by obtaining permission from the instructor teaching at the time you wish to work. No one is permitted in the wood shop without instructor supervision. A lab computer is accessible during class hours; however files saved on the computer are not secure- plan accordingly. Access to certain shop equipment requires that you pass a safety orientation. 

Honor Code
Students are expected to follow the Honor Code of the New World School of The Arts. All assignments must be original and completed independently.

Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with documented disabilities. Please contact the instructor to work out the details for any accommodations. 


This syllabus is subject to change at any time during the semester. You will be notified of any changes via email, blog and/or issuance of a new syllabus.

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