Friday, September 24, 2010

Transformation and Unity (crit 10/8)

Object Transformation and Unification
You will change two objects of your choice into something new by taking them apart and combining the pieces together. You must reuse ALL of the material in your existing objects, and combine them into a single unified work. This is not a collage (objects attached to a flat surface). We want you to physically join the parts of these objects together and create a new 3-D object.

What you are responsible for bringing in to class
October 1 two objects not bigger than 12" that you feel comfortable changing. You should begin to disassemble your objects at home and bring ALL of the pieces to class.
Any other supplies you would like to use while altering your object, such as glue, tape, sewing supplies, etc.
October 8 Finished project due. Critique day.

Important concept:  unity = a sense of order or completeness

Look at artworks by these artists for inspiration. 
Robert Rauschenberg
Sara Sze

No electronics. If you want to know why, watch this video.

Watch CBS Videos Online


Anonymous said...

does a wall clock count as an electronic?

sculpture class said...

The answer is yes if it has a circuit board, no if it is mechanical. A circuit board contains heavy metals (like in the video we saw in class) and looks like this