Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Alter-ego Mask (crit Oct. 21)

Think of an aspect of your personality that the world doesn't normally see. Your challenge is to create a mask (think of it as a sculpture for your head) that represents that concept without illustrating it. This “mask” shouldn't look like anything you've seen before; approach the project in any way that makes sense to you. The materials are up to you. Let the forms, lines, colors and materials you use speak about your concept. You will wear the mask during critique on October 21.

• The mask must obscure most, if not all of your face. 
NO STORE-BOUGHT MASKS. This is not a Halloween mask.
• Some element of the mask should extend at least 12 inches from your head.
• Think about how you will wear it and don’t be afraid to get your shoulders and upper body involved as part of the mask, or as a way to wear it.
• You will be graded on your effort as well as your creativity, thoughtfulness, technique, and skill in making the mask.

You will have two weeks to work on the project, use your time wisely. There will be an in-class work day on Oct. 12.

Pencil Mask by Rebecca Horn

Native Alaskan Inuit mask

Susan Cole, Member of the (Medicine) Cabinet, Mixed Media

Yup'ik culture from Western Alaska, early 20th century
The mask here, one of a pair, represents "Negakfok," meaning the north wind or, more eloquently, the spirit that likes cold and stormy weather. Its white spots are said to represent snow flakes, and the many wood danglers clattered when moved giving a voice to the spirit of the north wind.

a Soundsuit by Nick Cave

Masks from Burkina Faso, Central Africa.  Mossi mask, wan liuli, Ouagadougou style, photo 1976

Mossi masks at a year-end anceatral celebration in the village of Zeguedeguin, far eastern Mossi area, 1977. The red, or male, masks.

2009 projects 2010 projects

2010 projects

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