Friday, November 9, 2012

Span Strength (crit 11/30)

Each of these bridges held 100 lbs!

You will build a bridge using only foam core and white glue. Your bridge must span an 18" gap, be at least 8" tall and and 8" wide, and there must be a place where we can stack bags of clay that are 6" wide. Your goal is to build a bridge that can bear as much weight as possible. Consider strength and beauty when you design your bridge. Your projects will be strength tested during the critique, and the student whose bridge can hold the most weight will win a prize.

Nov. 9: You will be given a small sheet of foam core in class. For homework, do an experiment to see what kind of strong structures you can make. DRAW bridge plans that you think would be strong. Bring your experiments and drawings to class on the 16th.
Nov. 16: Come to class with white glue and a sharp knife & your drawings and experiments. This will be a studio day.
Nov. 30: Critique of bridge projects in class.

Here is an example from last year so you can see the setup during critique. The pieces of wood screwed to the side of the table extend down 1'.
Previous year crit:

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