Friday, April 15, 2016

Project 13: Rube Goldberg Device (chain reactions). Due April 22nd

Project Description

A Rube Goldberg illustration
You will be making a kinetic sculpture out of a series of 5 chain reactions. The purpose of the sculpture will be to "automate" a simple task in an absurd way. You will look at the illustrations done by the artist Rube Goldberg for inspiration. 

Rube Goldberg was an American cartoonist best known for his illustrations depicting machines he designed to complete simple tasks in overly complicated and humorous ways. His cartoons have inspired millions of projects.

Understanding Your Creative Problem

Please keep in mind that this is an art project, not a science experiment, and each step should demonstrate a thoughtful and playful use of materials. Think of the way it looks- it's aesthetics. No fire, or other dangerous materials.

Your assignment will end up being a kinetic sculpture and should completes a simple task in at least 4 overly complicated steps

Note: For this project, a step means that energy has to completely transfer from one elements to another. A ball rolling down a ramp is a step once the ball hits a hammer and the kinetic energy is transferred to the hammer. The task and materials you use are up to you. 


You will be evaluated on the following criteria: functionality (does it work), inventiveness, creative use of materials, planning (drawing), and preparedness.


April 22nd- A demonstration of your working project. The classroom will be open during lunch for you to set up your chain-reactions. 


This chain reaction sculpture/video is called The Way Things Go and was made by Swiss artists Fischli and Weiss.

Here's another chain reaction video

Here are some chain reaction ideas from a youtube

For more visual research, CHECK OUT THIS LINK!!!!

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