Friday, March 22, 2019

Assignment # 11- Assisted Readymade

Due date 4/5

A term coined by Marcel Duchamp in 1915 to describe prefabricated, often mass-produced objects isolated from their intended use and elevated to the status of art by the artist choosing and designating them as such. The term “assisted Readymade” refers to works of this type whose components have been combined or modified by the artist.

“A piece of art that is used more to picture the work of art with the mind rather than the eye” - Duchamp

“I’m really interested in the intersection between what something is, how something is, what kind of history it might have.”- Jason Dodge

Your must submit a written proposal for two DIFFERENT pieces via reminds to your instructor on/before Friday 3/29 EACH with:
1. A detailed 2D sketch and an explanation of your concept 
2. Which artists you researched for your piece

You will have three weeks to think, research and work on the project. There is no class on 3/29 so you will do this project at home. There should be very little technique and/or skill involved with the ‘fabrication’ of this piece.

Read this article to learn more about the Readymade:

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