Friday, March 2, 2012

Sculpture in response to the de la Cruz Collection

Artworks inspired by:
Jim Hodges

Aaron Curry
Aaron Curry
Jim Hodges
David Aldmejd

Thomas Houseago
Seth Price
Felix Gonzalez-Torres
Kathryn Andrews

Sterling Ruby

Ana Mendieta

David Altmejd

Sterling Ruby

Thomas Houseago

Felix Gonzalez-Torres

Sterling Ruby

Jim Hodges

Ugo Rondinone

Jim Hodges


Make a sculpture inspired by a work in the de la Cruz Collection. 

Your sculpture should address some of the ideas in the work you are inspired by.

Pay attention to the formal qualities of the art you choose to respond to.  Formal qualities are form, scale, composition, materials, color and texture.   Think about how the formal qualities of the work support the idea the artist is trying to get across.

You can use any materials you choose to complete this project, and the sculpture should be no larger than 3 feet in any one direction. 


March 2- field trip to de la Cruz Collection
March 9- in class work day
March 23- Project DUE- Critique

The artist we discussed today are:
Thomas Houseago

Aaron Curry

Mark Bradford

David Altmejd

Kathryn Andrews

Alex Hubbard

Ana Mendieta

Jim Hodges

Feliz Gonzalez Torres

Gabriel Orozco

Sterling Ruby

Rudolf Stingel

Here is a list of sculptors currently on view, and links so that you may further research their work....

1. Isa Genzken

2. Sterling Ruby

3. Aaron Curry

4. Kathryn Andrews

5. Wade Guyton & Kelly Walker

6. Gabriel Orozco

7. Cesar Trasobares

8. Feliz Gonzales Torres

9. Ana Mendieta

10. David Altmejd

11. Thomas Houseago

12. Jim Hodges

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