Friday, March 23, 2012

Miniaure Circus crit 4/27

Circus from ch ga on Vimeo.
Stills of Alexander Calder's Circus

Together the class will make a miniature working circus. Students will work in pairs to make miniature circus acts. You will perform your act on critique day. You may use any materials that you think are appropriate for your idea. We will set up on a table in front of the crit wall, so scale your pieces accordingly (3' x 3' x 3' max). Describe your act in the comments section, and make sure not to do something someone has already signed up for.

Teachers will provide circus music. If you want to play specific music, bring it to class by April 13.

***Your entire act should fit in a 3'x3'x3' area***

Important dates
3/23 Pairs brainstorm ideas and choose an act
Homework: pairs divide up tasks, make sketches, and make POSTERS FOR YOUR ACT
4/13  Come to class prepared to work, with all sketches & materials for your projects
4/20 Finish projects, DRESS REHEARSAL
4/27 Final crit: PERFORMANCE!!!

These artists have been inspired by the circus:
Alexander Calder

Cloud Seeding Circus of the Performative Object
A group of sculptors made a touring circus project

PBS Documentary on the circus
Historic Circus Photos
Circus Encyclopedia


Daniel & Bernie
Gina & Tim
Jack & Luz
D'Anyerlo & Izzy
Attlesha & Juan
Tanya & Sam
Pili & Ringo
Amanda & Khadine
Lia & Fabi
Caroline & Jaminelly
Andres & Galina
Juan & Mary
Isa & Maria A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sam & Tanya: Tightrope with bicyclist and pool underneath
Pili & Ringo: Horror show
Isa & Maria: Conjoined Twins
Khadine & Amanda: Clowns doing a puppet show
Fabi & Lia: Magic act, several tricks
Jaminelly & Caroline: Taming ferocious animals
Bernie & Dan: Stiltwalker and guy who balances spinning plates