Friday, September 14, 2012

Hybrid Sculpture: crit 9/28

Hybrid Sculpture

You will change two objects of your choice into something new by creatively dismantling and recombining the pieces. You must reuse ALL of the material in your existing objects, and combine them into a single unified work. This is not a collage (objects attached to a flat surface). We want you to physically join the parts of these objects together and create a new 3-D object.
Important concept:  unity = a sense of order or completeness

September 21: Bring to class: two objects not bigger than 12" that you feel comfortable changing. Begin to disassemble your objects at home and bring ALL of the pieces to class. NO ELECTRONICS
Any other supplies you would like to use while altering your object, such as glue, tape, sewing supplies, etc.
September 28: Finished project due. Critique day.

Important concept:  unity = a sense of order or completeness

Look at artworks by these artists for inspiration. 
Robert Rauschenberg
Sara Sze

Hybrid Sculptures by Satish Tang
Hybrid sculptures of ancient chinese ceramics, western pop icons, manga aesthetics and kitsch
TANG was born in Dublin, Ireland of Trinidadian parents, but currently lives & works in British Columbia, Canada.

How do objects communicate meaning?

Last year's projects
Previous year projects

No electronics. If you want to know why, watch this video.

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